The Better Together Podcast with Callie and Rosario "Roz" Picardo
Join us as we discover how to live out our faith in Jesus Christ in our relationships, churches, and communities, so that we can truly say we are "better together."
The Better Together Podcast with Callie and Rosario "Roz" Picardo
#161 Adelle Banks and Daniel Yang: Becoming a Future Ready Church
Callie and Rosario Picardo
Missiologist and pastor Daniel Yang and journalist Adelle Banks are co-authors with church researcher Warren Bird of the groundbreaking work Becoming a Future Ready Church. They unpack 8 trends the Church can adjust for now to be ready for the ministry the church needs to do in 2050. They beautifully inspire hope without condemnation to equip the Church to carry the mission of Jesus Christ to the world around us.