The Better Together Podcast with Callie and Rosario "Roz" Picardo
Join us as we discover how to live out our faith in Jesus Christ in our relationships, churches, and communities, so that we can truly say we are "better together."
The Better Together Podcast with Callie and Rosario "Roz" Picardo
#157 Walter R. Strickland II: Swing Low: A History of Black Christianity in the United States
Callie and Rosario Picardo
The Black Church has been studied from sociological and justice perspectives, but Professor, Preacher, Consultant and Speaker, Dr. Walter R. Stickland II noticed a missing piece: the theology that has shaped Black Christianity throughout history into the present. Like a choir with the altos missing, Strickland explains, he wants to lift up a missing part of the harmony. Join us to listen to the beautiful music of his new release Swing Low.